do you know that feeling when all of a sudden guests are coming and you, as a good host, want to serve something nice like a piece of cake or some cookies... Well, normally it wouldn't be such a big deal to come up with something nice but then you realize it is sunday, all the supermarkets are closed and even worse, you have hardly anything in the house to bake a reasonably cake with.
What now? The guests will be arriving any minute and you have nothing to offer besides a glass of water and a cup of coffee. Something has to happen immediately and it has to be quick, easy and delicious.
If you are in a comparable situation, you may now calm down because I have the perfect solution for you.These Chocolate cookies are no ordinary chocolate cookies, they are very rich, not to sweet and they have the perfect cookie texture...a bit of a crunch on the outside and heavenly moist and chewy on the inside. Everybody loves cookies, it's the perfect little treat to go with a cup of coffee or tea.
It only takes you 5 minutes to prepare the batter and then, 10 minutes to bake and that's it. These chocolate cookies are not only surprisingly easy to make, but also unimaginably delicious. Your guests are going to eat them all within seconds.
-An Old-Fashioned Welcome-
There's nothing cheers a fellow up just like a hearty greeting,
A handclasp and an honest smile that flash the joy of meeting;
And when at friendly doors you ring, somehow it seems to free you
From all life's doubts to hear them say: "Come in! We're glad to see you!"
by Edgar A.

100g dark chocolate
270g all purpose flour
4-5 tbs cacao powder
200g brown sugar (I used coconut sugar)
180g butter (or 5 tbs coconut oil)
a pinch of sea salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
In a saucepan, melt the butter, add the cacao powder and stir it in really well until it is all incorporated. Then, take the saucepan off the heat and add all the other ingredients besides the chocolate and again mix it all well together with a hand mixer or your hands.
Now, break the chocolate into little cubes and gently stir it in the mixture. Then, with a spoon place 9-12 equal portions on a lined baking tray. While the oven preheats to 200°, place the baking tray in the fridge.Then, put it in the oven for 10 minutes and let them cool for 10-15 minutes before serving.