Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Healthy Brownies

Hello my sweet ladys and gentlemen,

as sitting in the office all day long is not the best for your health and body, I decided to at least change one thing in my life so that I can stay healthy throughout the week. So I decided to eat a lot more plant based food, not too much carbs and gluten and also no processed sugar. Even though I am doing this just for a few weeks now, I already feel a lot better. When talking about eating healthier, most people feel like they won't be able to eat any kind of sweet treat like chocolate or a piece of cake. But it does not matter if you eat a piece of cake or chocolate when you are craving something sweet. It's all about the ingredients. When you eat "normal" cake and sweets, the baddest thing about them is the processed white sugar and the big amount of white flour and lots of unhealthy fat.
But you can change that. You can change the recipe this far that it has no processed sugar in it, no unhealthy fats and no flour. Sounds impossible to bake a cake without butter, sugar and flour right? First, I thought that too but soon I discovered how easy it is to actually bake very delicious, healthy cakes. Today, I am going to share a healthy and gluten free brownie recipe with you.
You won't believe it, but these brownies contain avocado! They are so so rich and chocolatey and really moist as well. And the good thing is that these'y don't even taste like there is avocado in them. They taste just as good as regular brownies...I think that they taste even better!
For these brownies I use avocado and a little bit of raw coconut oil as a substitute for butter, coconut sugar as a much healthier substitute for normal, refined sugar and I am using raw cacao instead of sweetened industrial cocoa powder and last but not least, greated nuts instead of flour. Avocado and coconut oil are two of the most healthy fats you can ever find, and also avocados are high in protein, vitamin B, C and E and contains lots of dietary fiber.
The coconut sugar is not "healthy" but it is so much better than normal sugar because it is unrefined and with that, it does not spike your blood sugar levels as regular sugar would do. The grated nuts contain healthy fats and antioxidants and they can even prevent heart deseases and cancer. Flour instead, would work like sugar for your body and slow down your metabolism.
But we should not forget that these "healthy" brownies are still a treat but they are still a lot better for you then any other piece of cake
Making them is yet so simple: You just stir everything together and pop the whole thing in the oven for about 30 minutes and your done! Here are your healthy and even more delicious brownies. Guilt free :)


3 tbs coconut oil
1 ripe avocado
200g grated whole almonds
100g grated hazelnuts
3 eggs
180g coconut sugar
3 tbs raw cacao powder
100g 70% dark chocolate (dairy free and fair trade)
1 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt


First of all, preheat your oven to 180 °C. Then, put the coconut oil and the chocolate in a sauce pan and melt it over medium heat. Now, you can gradually add the sugar, the greated nuts, salt and baking powder and give it all a good stir. In a food processor, mix the eggs and avocado together until it becomes a smooth texture. Pour the egg and avocado mixture in your sauce pan and add the cocoa powder. Then, again give it all a good stir with a spoon until it is a smooth batter.
Pour it all in a small or medium sized cake pan and bake it in the oven for about 30 minutes. After that, let them cool completely and cut them into equal, square shaped pieces.
I like to eat mine with fresh berries (especially raspberries) or with greek yoghurt and banana or walnuts on top. You can use all your phantasy to create the brownie of your choice.

See you on sunday to an other jummy recipe! xoxo

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