Sunday, 27 July 2014

Cinnamon Waffles

Hello sweet ladys and gentlemen,

It was one of those mornings on a cold and rainy sunday when you wake up late and feel like having some fancy waffles so that the whole house smells like cinnamon, vanilla and coffee.
This is my favourite waffle recipe. They are sweet and fluffy and the heavenly taste of cinnamon and vanilla brings it all to perfection.
Accompanied by fresh fruit and berrys or some strawberry jam these waffles bring any sunday brunch or afternoon tea to a whole other level. These are very qick and easy to make so if you feel like having some freshly baked waffles now, here's the recipe:


200g  unsalted butter
5        eggs
250g  flour
170g  sugar
1ts     baking powder
1-2ts cinnamon
1ts    vanilla extract


In a medium sized mixing bowl stir your eggs, butter and sugar until it gets light and creamy. Then, go ahead put vanilla extract and cinnamon in the mixture and give it another good stir until it is all incorporated. Now you can add flour and baking powder and mix it well.
Set it aside and let it sit there for about 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile you can heat up your waffle maker and lightly grease it. Then, you want to put 1-2 tb of the batter in each mold and bake it until the waffles are golden brown.
They are best if you serve them still warm and with fresh fruit/berrys, jam or nutella.

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